10 Signs Your Hormones Might Be Imbalanced

Hormones play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, from metabolism to mood. When they’re in balance, we feel great, but when they’re imbalanced, it can lead to a myriad of symptoms that affect our physical and mental well-being. 1. Mood Swings: Sudden...

Why autoimmunity risk can increase in menopause.

Sadly as a 50+ year old woman, we are at an increased risk of getting an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune conditions occur when the immune system starts to attack and damage our own body. There many different types and the risk of getting more than one is common. This...

Is perimenopause starting to impact your work-life?

Have you entered your 40’s, climbing up or at the top of the ladder and all of a sudden, you’re starting to notice things are feeling increasingly harder? You justify it in your head that it’s your age, being a mum, juggling too much, but it could also be...

Migraines in Peri and Menopause

  The menopausal journey is often described as a rollercoaster of hormonal changes, hot flashes, and mood swings. However, for some women, it comes with the added challenge of migraines. Migraines in the menopause can create a unique set of physical and emotional...