What my clients have to say…

“I am a 49 year old woman who has, for the past 4 years been gluten free, eaten minimal dairy, no caffeine, low sugar and alcohol and I exercise regularly. I drink lots of water, plenty of fruit, veg and nuts and seeds and I practice 16:8 fasting. This has kept my blood sugar low, my weight down and most importantly, my hormones in check. Until last December when the wheels came off. I had uncontrollable hunger, blood sugar crashes, feeling shaky and foggy, extremely sensitive to cold and generally felt horrible . I am on HRT and played around with the dosage but nothing was helping. I felt really desperate as I knew I was doing pretty much everything I was supposed to so I just figured that this is how it’s going to be and I just have to get through it.

Then, I decided to find a nutritionist dealing with women’s hormones. I googled and saw Lucy. Something about her site resonated with me and I contacted her. We had our (much longer than) 15 minute initial consultation and I decided to commit to the package that included comprehensive bloods, hair mineral test and 6 fortnightly zoom calls.
My bloods showed a sluggish thyroid, low ferritin and a few other things that were out of whack but would definitely not have shown up on a GP test.

Lucy suggested a few supplements to realign the issues along with many nutritional suggestions and due to her PT background, she was able to give me direction with my exercise too.

Lucy always replied swiftly to every message I sent, regardless of when it was. Her guidance was bespoke to me. She understood my personality type and what worked for me and the changes I would find more challenging. Her sessions were hugely informative, upbeat, professional and enjoyable. I honestly didn’t think that I could improve much and yet, a few months down the line I feel SO much better. My blood sugar crashes are under control, my hunger is normal, my energy is back, I’m exercising more, lifting heavier weights and I’m so happy because I felt really lost and low.

I’m 50 in a couple of months and I felt like I was crawling towards my birthday, just surviving and hoping to get through the day. Now I am proud of how I feel at this age.

The difference that you can make by looking at diet, nutrition and exercise is huge. You can take back the control. However, you also will benefit hugely from having someone like Lucy by your side. I did use another nutritionist a few years ago and I received far from a comprehensive service. In stark contrast, what I have received from Lucy is knowledge, kindness, support, encouragement and the feeling that someone really understands and really wants you to feel better.
I would not hesitate to recommend Lucy to anyone needing support and indeed, I have already recommended her to several people and will continue to do so.”

Julia Lavery

“I have just completed an incredible 3-month menopause nutritional programme with the fabulous Lucy and I have to say it’s been an absolutely amazing journey.

When I initially started, Lucy recommended reducing my tea consumption from 5-6 cups a day to just 1 and removing dairy, gluten, and sugar from my diet, at first I thought “What am I getting myself into” However, I’m so grateful that I fully committed to it because Lucy has truly transformed my life.

Before working with Lucy, I would feel constantly exhausted throughout the day, I was struggling to lose the 2 stone I had put on since my hysterectomy and my brain fog was getting worse. However, I am thrilled to share that I have lost a remarkable stone and a half, shedding 55cm from my entire body. I have gone from nearly a size 16 down to a comfortable 10/12.

Last week, whilst on holiday, I confidently walked around in a bikini, feeling comfortable and content in my own skin. My brain fog has disappeared, and my energy levels are now through the roof.

The most incredible part is that Lucy has provided me with all the necessary foundations to continue on my own.”


I came to Lucy in desperation to be honest.  I had tried all different ‘diets’ over the years. Always carrying 2 stone extra around with me. Never ever happy with my body and a very poor relationship with food. 

Add in my hormone challenges with PCOS – which have caused me infertility and bad periods & acne over the years. I felt terrible both psychologically and psychically. 

I didn’t eat vegetables and I was a slave to sugar highs & lows.  Addicted to sugar completely in all honesty.  I was bloated, sad & unhappy. My skin was terrible & I felt tired all the time. 

3 months later, I’m a stone lighter, I have a totally different view of food. I’m making good choices even when out! I cannot thank Lucy enough for helping me fix ‘myself’ by resetting my eating and helping me remove all the bad habits.  Most of my PCOS symptoms have disappeared now I’m dairy & gluten free. Lucy – you’ve changed my life, thank you so much❤️.”


“At the age of 46 I had written myself off as not being able to lose weight due to my age. I also have an under active thyroid and I wasn’t sure which supplements I should take to optimise my thyroid health. With so much conflicting information out there about what to eat (eat carbs/restrict carbs, etc.) I was confused.

Lucy proved that despite being of peri-menopausal age you absolutely CAN lose weight! I have lost just over 10lbs and dropped a dress size and feel so much better about myself. My PMS has improved, and I feel like my hormones are definitely more balanced.

Lucy really knows her stuff and is a lovely person to help and guide you. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge but are not sure – do it! Lucy is really knowledgeable, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

I now feel as though I’m equipped with a formula for keeping weight off. I no longer need to write myself off and just accept weight gain as part of middle-age. Thank you, Lucy, I’m so grateful! It’s been really lovely working with you and definitely money well spent.”


“When I first met Lucy I had hit a brick wall with my health – my weight was continuing to creep up despite eating what I thought was a healthy diet, and I was feeling tired and sluggish all the time. Since working with Lucy I feel like my entire mindset and understanding of nutrition and self care has changed, and she has helped me with so many challenges, from meal planning and ideas for healthy and actually yummy meals, to tackling specific digestive issues and stress. 

Most importantly Lucy has helped me to understand the value in looking after my mind and body, and that ultimately by doing this for myself it will also benefit others around me 🙂 

Thank you Lucy not only for all of your endless guidance, but for helping me to better understand myself and what I need to do to feel better!”


“Just 3 months ago,  I was at the end of my tether.  I have been trying to lose weight,  balance my hormones and not feel exhausted by the end of each week, for about 2 years.  I had hot flashes, headaches, night sweats, persistent belly fat and so much more!  I never thought that in 3 months my life would change forever!  Lucy has been,  as always, AMAZING! She taught me to listen to my body when it comes to nutrition! And it has worked! I have lost over 7.5 kgrs, I have not felt hungry, I have no hot flashes, no sweats, no headaches and my belly fat is going! I have so much more energy and feel great! I am forever grateful for the trust you have in me and for the confidence that you gave me to continue this journey!”


“I contacted Lucy looking for help with my PMS and I honestly cannot recommend her enough. Lucy’s knowledge is astounding. Not only has she helped me with the PMS, she has helped me with so many other things that I wasn’t aware that I even needed help with! Thank you Lucy for all your help.”



“I am not exaggerating …Lucy’s  12 week programme literally changed my life ! The menopause has not been kind to me & during Lucy’s talk on the subject I realised most of my problems inc weight gain, skin irritation, low energy, joint pain & depression were due to this. Lucy was so thorough & is so knowledgable, making a few changes to my diet, supplements & lifestyle which I have found easy & enjoy. I have lost nearly a stone, my joints don’t hurt as much, I have tonnes more energy & feel happy again. I cannot thank this amazing lady enough & would highly recommend to everyone.”



“I came to Lucy with constant flare ups with food, terrible skin and constant pain all linked to my endometriosis. Within four weeks, Lucy had genuinely changed my life.

Lucy took the time to really understand me and explain why I may be experiencing certain symptoms. I’ve always understood why lucy has recommended something and we’ve always checked, at each stage, that something is working.

Fast forward to my final session with Lucy and I am full of energy, in considerably less pain and genuinely happier. Thank you for everything you’ve done Lucy.”


“After 3 months in I have absolutely NO more PMS, no ups and down, very consistent energy levels and stress levels feel much more manageable and less in flight mode. I have no more morning anxiety and loads more REM sleep (Im dreaming lots again!). Its been utterly life changing! Thank you xx” 


As a fifty five year old woman, my body had become my enemy. It didn’t seem to matter what I did I still felt in pain, exhausted and unhappy not only with my body but also with my foggy brain. I had tried every diet, cooked fresh and ‘healthy’ food, baked bread and just ate dark chocolate.  

I spoke to my friends and complained that I hardly ate anything and couldn’t shift any weight or feel any boost in energy. I  didn’t eat more that 800 calories a day. 

I always had to take painkillers throughout the day to relieve severe discomfort in all my joints. I told myself that this was because I was overweight. 

Nothing fitted me. My generous size 16 M & S jeans were horribly tight and my thighs were lumpy.

My husband had heard of Lucy and gently suggested I try speaking to her. I decided to take a chance. I took a blood test and the results that came back was something that frightened me but also something I knew was true. The report listed the specific problems I was facing including thyroid issues (all my sisters take thyroxine), cardio vascular threats (my father had almost died from a heart attack at 55) and diabetes (this was what eventually killed my father).

Lucy’s advice was manageable and clear. Some things I already knew but many others I didn’t. I cut dairy, sugar (including fake sugar) and all grains out of my food. Lucy has excellent, easy to use systems including an app. 

One of the strange things is that I definitely consume more food now and I’m not stingy with any of the portions. Often I can’t finish my plate of food. 

Three months in I have lost over three stone (42 lbs). All my favourite clothes fit, I don’t want to take my bra off because of discomfort and I can wear my rings again. My face is thinner, eyes are brighter and my hair and nails are lustrous. In the first week I was no longer taking any painkillers, my pain has disappeared from my body. My neck and lower back pain which I had tried to alleviate using various theories including massaging has gone. Pain in my legs which felt like constant discomfort has gone. My foggy brain is starting to ‘un’ fog.  

During my metamorphosis I have been on holiday and had people over for dinner and been to many restaurants.

I have no doubt that all of these profound health benefits are from the bespoke supplement and advice given to me by Lucy. It’s a personal service and I was able to share my history without feeling that I was being judged or lectured to. 

 I feel like a born again woman with a new way of living. I know I would not have succeeded or even known the path through the complexity of supplements and food without Lucy’s expert guidance.


“I would just like to say an enormous thank you, for all your help in getting me back to enjoying life again.
I can sleep through the night now, for the first time in years, I feel full of energy and ready to take on the world.
The thyroid operation I was due to have this year, I have cancelled, because you have
healed my gut and I no longer feel I need it. I have recommended you to lots of family
and friends, so you can help them too. You are Amazing!


“Lucy has saved me and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough. Following the birth of my second child I struggled to shift the weight and got more and more depressed. The more unhappy I became the more I ate until it got to breaking point. I was so over weight, miserable, unhealthy and had even stopped seeing my friends because I was so ashamed. Then in steps Lucy, who I was put in touch with by Woburn Osteopaths, and 3 months later I have dropped a stone and a half just by changing my diet. I can’t wait to see how much more weight I lose now I have cleansed my body from the inside out and start my tailor made exercise regime. I’m almost back to my old self and couldn’t be happier with life and Lucy!”


“I’ve known Lucy for 5 years now and she is so much more than just a nutritional therapist and personal trainer. Lucy takes a holistic approach with her clients, really getting to know their issues and then supports them back to optimal health. That means I have been able to benefit from general guidance on my overall wellbeing as well as some truly invaluable nutritional advice and support. She is patient, encouraging and generous with her time. I always feel uplifted after a seeing her. I regularly call her a superstar!”

“”Lucy is a phenomenal PT and all round health specialist. She has helped me with rehabilitation after major spinal surgery as-well as recommending supplements that have now changed my life after suffering for years with constant UTI’s. Lucy is kind, honest, an expert in her field and a joy to work with. I can not recommend her enough.”


“I first found Lucy over 10 years ago when I wanted to lose a substantial amount of weight, which had crept on over about 15 years. 

From my very first meeting I was impressed with the more holistic approach that she took, focusing on nutrition, stress and other lifestyle factors (including my long work hours) as well as my weight and fitness levels.

From those detailed discussions she was able to identify some key issues and establish a quick start, no-gimmicks, nutrition plan that helped kick start the weight loss and established new eating habits.

My initial goal was to lose 1 stone in weight, but through her [and her colleagues’ support] I ended up losing 2 ½ stone, and dropped 3 dress sizes. I had totally changed my approach to food, while still enjoying eating out and a few glasses of wine, but also transformed my fitness.  What’s more, the key to her programme’s success is that I have maintained this weight ever since.

Lucy’s flexible and personalised approach is one of her key strengths. She is constantly updating her knowledge and skills with regard to nutrition and fitness and especially the impact of hormones on our bodies. This has been particularly important to me as not only have I continued to work in very stressful roles, I have also gone through the menopause, which had more of an impact than I probably wanted to first admit.  She has been able to reassess the nutritional issues and recommend tweaks to my diet that work with my commuting work life and a supportive exercise regime that has got me back on the straight and narrow.

I have continued to return to Lucy over the years, and have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who wants to make similar changes in their life to improve their overall health, fitness and diet.”


“I called Lucy just before Christmas in what can only be described as a cry for help. Over lockdown my weight had been creeping up and now my size 16 jeans were getting too tight. I felt disgusting inside & looked it on the outside. I was bloated, lethargic throughout the day, had no motivation. My sleep was broken and my moods were very low. 

From our first conversation Lucy was just so lovely, so reassuring and so positive. I knew that with her help, I would be starting a new chapter of my life and one that would be fulfilled with health and happiness.  My goal is to try and see if I can reduce some of the medication that I have to take on a daily basis. 

4 weeks on the plan and I had lost 10lbs, I felt more positive, happier and just so much lighter. It was literally like a huge weight has been lifted. I now sleep much better and wake feel alive. I am not going to deny that some days it has been tough but Lucy has been an absolute rock and she has supported me should I feel like I am about to steer off. One of the biggest surprises to me is how I didn’t feel hungry. Before I couldn’t go through the day without snacking in between meals but now I have 3 substantial and healthy meals a day and even sometimes that feels too much. I honestly am indebted to her.  Our next meeting we are going to be working on the next goal and getting my fitness levels up. I can’t wait for the next challenge.”


“I was having a few problems that I suspected were nutrition related the main ones being difficulty sleeping and fluctuating energy levels throughout the day.  Since consulting Lucy and taking on her advice there has been a massive improvement in my sleep, energy and general wellbeing.  Couldn’t recommend Lucy enough.”


“I was finding it difficult to maintain energy levels during busy periods at work.  I started to exercise much less regularly and gained weight.  After meeting Lucy, we discussed my diet and she gave me simple,  yet effective way plan to improve my diet.

Within just a couple of weeks of following her plan I began to feel far less lethargic and also found that I was recovering much better after exercise.  I’ve been on the plan for about a year now.  My energy has improved and I have been in the gym most days.  Not only that, at 48 years old, my run, bike and row times are better than they were in my 20s!

I would definitely recommend Lucy – her plan and advice works!  “


“I had been suffering with digestive issues for about 4 years which were gradually becoming more debilitating. I had regular bloating, wind and abdominal pain, my energy was zapped and my mood was starting to deteriorate. It was starting to impact my quality of my life and I was relying on Omeprozole to bring me temporary relief. This is when Lucy designed me an eating plan to support the root cause of the problem. I was prepared to do anything so I followed the plan to the T. In just 2 months ALL of my symptoms had gone, I had lost weight, the water retention had gone and my energy was the best it had been in years.  I would recommend Lucy’s plan to anyone who is suffering with digestive disorders. It has turned my life around naturally and I can honestly say I feel 7 years younger!”


”Lucy has been my personal trainer for nearly 20 years. She has always been so supportive, knowledgable and motivational, even getting me running which I’d never done before!!! I feel she has helped me as I have got older to stay fit and healthy with great flexibility. She has given me some great tips regarding diet and exercises for any injuries. Lucy is such an up-beat person you can’t help but feel better when you see her.”


“”I have had sessions with Lucy for 16 years now. During that time I have had many health issues which she has always dealt with professionally and sympathetically. Each time getting me back to full strength.

I thought I provided healthy meals for myself and my husband but chatting to Lucy during sessions I have learned a lot more about good nutrition. Lucy advises but never pushes change on to her clients. 

I whole heartedly recommend Lucy Childerley Clinic for a holistic approach to healthy living.”


I thoroughly recommend Lucy and Lucy Childerley Clinic. I have known Lucy for 12 years as my PT. She is compassionate and extremely knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition. She has supported me through thick and thin and helped me through mental challenges when life has been very tough. She is always encouraging when a session maybe a little challenging too! 

I’ve gone from a coach potato to running nearly every day. I completed my first half marathon in 2018 and have my sights set on a marathon next. She was brilliant when my daughter had major spinal surgery and helped with her rehabilitation to get moving correctly again. 

