When used correctly and for what it was made to do , i.e. prevent a pregnancy, the pill has many advantages. 

Sadly, too often it is being used as a plaster for PMS, PCOS, acne, endometriosis or irregular periods. But like any plaster, one day we have to pull it off, and when we do, the issues underneath are still there and often much worse than before.

I see some many clients therefore worried about coming off the pill for fear of this.

Here are some fact that I think every woman should know before embarking on taking the pill. And, if you are already on it, you might want to read on and consider what alternatives might suit your body better, both now and in the future.

  1. Nutrient deficiencies-Long term use can cause nutrient deficiencies with vitamin C, B vitamins, selenium, magnesium and zinc. All of these are needed for healthy thyroid, adrenal, liver and immune function, so a lack can cause other hormonal issues.
  2. Disrupted microbiome– The pill disrupts the microbiome which can lead to an overgrowth of less desirable bacteria and yeast, causing constipation, bloating, IBS and candida, which further reduce nutrient absorption.  There are even studies linking the pill to inflammatory digestive disorders, such as IBD and Crohns.
  3. Lower sex drive– It can lower testosterone and with that, lower our sex drive.
  4. Hormonal chaos-The pill doesn’t balance our hormones. The synthetic hormones contained in the pill actually suppress our body’s natural sex hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) which blocks ovulation from happening and prevents a natural cycle. These synthetic hormones also thicken the lining of the cervix to prevent sperm from reaching any eggs that may have been released, and can also thin the lining of the womb to make it harder for a fertilised egg to implant. This is why some women can struggle to conceive after being on the pill. 
  5. False bleeding– The bleed we can have when on the pill is not a real period- the pill is not regulating the cycle. This is simply known as a pill bleed and is designed to reassure the body that it is doing something ‘natural’.
  6. Links to mental health issues– studies have linked the pill with depression and one study found that women on the combined pill were 23% more likely to be put on anti-depressants.
  7. Potential increased cancer risk- Studies have linked the pill to an increased risk of breast cancer and are often not recommended for those who have a strong family history of breast cancer. Use for longer than 5 years of the combined pill, has also been linked to an increased risk of cervical cancer. Yes, the risk of uterine, endometrial and ovarian cancers is reduced in women who are on the pill, but its worth considering other ways to prevent cancer, without the increased risk of the pill.
  8. Hair loss- some pills (Loestrin and Microgynon) can increase our androgens (the male hormones) and this can cause hair follicles to shrink. This can be a slow process (even years) so we may not make the link.

If you are on the pill but would like to come off, there are lots of other options available that are far kinder to the body. 

If you are struggling with hormonal disruption and want support, then why not book a 15 minute free call with me by clicking this link- https://p.bttr.to/3Jy5g8G. We can chat about your symptoms and how I can help you. You can also email or call me on 07813 871776 
