Seed Cycling Pesto

If you are experiencing symptoms of oestrogen dominance (can be menopausal women, too), Seed Cycling recipes can be your go to as they can boost oestrogen levels in the first part of your cycle (the follicular phase) and progesterone levels in the second part (the...

5 Common Nutrition Myths

The world of nutrition can be so confusing and it can often feel like a minefield. One day you should be eating loads of the latest ‘superfood’, the next you’re being told the exact opposite! I often get clients sending my newspaper articles, some are very informative...

What is progesterone and why is it so important?

What is progesterone and why is it so important? Progesterone’s amazing benefits often get lost in the shadow of its sister, oestrogen. Especially as we enter menopause and all focus seems to switch to oestrogen. Progesterone is a female sex hormone. It’s...

What causes bloating and what can you do to relieve it. 

Almost every client I see in clinic has some degree  of bloating. Many accept it as part of their every day life but it doesn’t have to be this way.  Bloating is your body’s way of telling you that your gut is not happy, so I like to work on finding out...

Is Your Gut Bacteria Making You Gain Weight?

Studies suggest that gut bacteria may play a powerful role in body weight regulation. Hundreds of microorganisms reside in your digestive system. The majority of these are friendly bacteria that produce several important nutrients, including vitamin K and certain B...

8 Ways To Reduce Your Sugar Intake 

When did high sugar diets begin? During the 1960’s the low fat diet began to be touted but it was in the 80’s when it really took off. Fat tastes good, so to make food taste good, manufacturers laced food with sugar instead. This has led to generations of sugar...